• mið. 06. des. 2023
  • Fræðsla

Vefnámskeið um umhverfisvernd

Samtök evrópskra knattspyrnufélaga - European club association (ECA) í samvinnu við Evrópska knattspyrnusambandið (UEFA) mun þann 15. desember halda vefnámskeið þar sem umfjöllunarefnið verður umhverfisvernd.

Í tilkynningu frá ECA segir að einblínt verði á umhverfisvernd, þar sem horft verður á mikilvægi þess að fótbolti sé leiðandi í því að draga úr áhrifum á umhverfið. "Í gegnum langtímastefnumótandi fjárfestingar geta félög verið hluti af lausninni við umhverfisáskorunum, beitt sameiginlegum aðferðum við aðgerðir í loftslagsmálum, lausnum í hringrásarhagkerfinu, sjálfbærum innviðum og sjálfbærum viðburðum".

Viðburðurinn er opinn öllum og hvetjum við aðildarfélög KSÍ til að senda fulltrúa á viðburðinn.

Smellið hér til að skrá ykkur á viðburðinn: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sE4CYpXhSCCKwSlEZCtt-g#/registration

Hér að neðan má sjá tilkynninguna í heild sinni frá ECA ásamt dagskrá. Athugið að dagskráin er á evrópskum tíma og hefst því klukkan 09:30 að íslenskum tíma.


ECA is pleased to invite you to the third session of our joint webinar series in collaboration with UEFA. In this webinar we will focus on Environmental Protection, recognising the importance of football as a driver to reduce the impact on the environment. Through long-term strategic investments, clubs can be part of the solution to environmental challenges, deploying collaborative approaches covering climate action and advocacy, circular solutions, sustainable infrastructure, and event sustainability.

On 15 December, we will zoom in on the topic of Circular Economy by presenting UEFA’s Circular Economy Guidelines and its accompanying 4R framework (reduce, reuse, recycle, recover); highlighting strategies and initiatives taken by clubs to promote circular approaches in football; and explaining how to implement Art. 32 of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations specifically focused on environmental protection.

This is another important step forward as part of ECA and UEFA’s efforts towards navigating the journey towards sustainability, fostering environmental stewardship within the football community, and nurturing the ever-growing community of sustainability managers and stakeholders across European football.

We hope you will join us!

Event details:

Title: Environmental Protection in European Football: from theory to practice

Date: Friday 15 December 2023

Time: 10:30 - 12:00 CET

Format: Online webinar via Zoom


10:30 to 10:45 – Introduction to Environmental Protection

Gaia Pretner – Head of Sustainability, ECA
Filippo Veglio – Senior Expert, Social & Environmental Sustainability, UEFA

10:45 to 11:15 – Introduction to Circular Economy

Gaia Pretner – Head of Sustainability, ECA

11:15 to 11:45 – Clubs’ Best Practices

Teresa Santos – Sustainability Manager, FC Porto

11:45 to 12:00 – How to fulfill the licensing requirement?

Vincent Reulet – Environment Expert, UEFA

12:00 to 12:15 – Q&A

Smellið hér til að skrá ykkur á viðburðinn: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sE4CYpXhSCCKwSlEZCtt-g#/registration