• þri. 04. feb. 2025
  • Dómaramál

POSPONED - Beginners course in referee education on 5th of February

Mynd - Mummi Lú

Referee course to be held today at 17:00 has been cancelled due to weather. New date will be released in due time.

The course is held by KSÍ (The FA of Iceland) in its headquarters in Sóknin on the 3rd floor and starts at 17:00. The course will last for two hours and is open for anyone aged 15 years or older.

On the course emphasis will be on the laws of football, but also various promotional and educational material and other things. The course will finish with a written exam.

The course is free of charge.

Those who finish the course will be able to referee games in U14’s and lower as well as be an assistant referee up to U20’s. You need to sit the whole course to be able to finish it.

Registration is open now at magnus@ksi.is